Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.


Scroll to review all the areas of specialization or click directly on one of the links below.

Depression & Anxiety   Divorce Adjustment   Health Issues   Children & Adolescents   Collaborative Divorce   Life Transitions & Challenges

Depression & Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in a given year, approximately 20.9 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older have a mood disorder.  Depressive disorders often co-occur with anxiety disorders and substance abuse.  Each year, approximately 40 million American adults ages 18 and older have an anxiety disorder. 

These symptoms don’t have to rule your life.  They often respond well to psychological treatment.  As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Wise has helped numerous people to overcome depression and anxiety.


Divorce Adjustment

Divorce can be one of the most difficult and overwhelming events an individual may ever experience.   It can trigger a rollercoaster of emotions and leave one feeling depressed, anxious, hurt, angry, or confused.  Divorce often brings uncertainty and fear of the future.  Research shows that divorce can place people at increased risk for depression, health problems, life dissatisfaction and substance abuse.  Dr. Wise can help you mitigate these risks, recover from this experience, and reclaim your life. 


Health Issues

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball in the form of a health problem you never expected. This may be an acute problem, or it could possibly become chronic. When this happens, people may find themselves overwhelmed or in a state of worry, depression, and fear. They may have difficulty accepting that this is happening to them or their loved one. They can find themselves unable to sleep or relax. Sometimes these health problems greatly affect one’s livelihood, career and cherished activities. Dr. Wise has expertise and experience helping people successfully navigate these challenges.


Children and Adolescents

Dr. Wise works with parents and their children who have behavioral and emotional issues. He uses a variety of approaches including individual therapy, play therapy, parent consultation, and behavior modification to help children overcome their problems and difficulties.


Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is an alternative dispute resolution process legislated by the State of Texas which enables couples and families to participate in a confidential, customized divorce process to arrive at the best possible solution to ending a marriage. Collaborative divorce promotes healthy communication skills, positive relationships, and effective co-parenting.


Life Transitions & Challenges

Life in the 21st century is fast-paced, ever changing and evolving, and often times unpredictable. Whether it’s a worldwide pandemic, a sudden job loss, problems with your child, or the death of a friend or family member, you may find yourself facing an unexpected challenge. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed, uncertain what to do, and in some cases anxious or depressed. Dr.Wise can help with these challenges.

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